What a great weekend it was! The weather was iffy all three days, but it didn't stop about 300 really nice people from visiting my studio at Catfish Corner. I talked myself hoarse--I'm just not used to talking that much. (When I talk to myself I try to do it silently!)
Our visitors really liked the chickens and geese, they spoiled the horses with constant attention, and some folks were even treated to hoot owls chatting in the pines. What a wonderful experience to meet so many great people. Some of my high school friends, Frederic 1974, and Norm & Jan and Sarah, surprised me by making the two hour trip! I wish they could have stayed longer so we could catch up! Veteran studio elf, Loie, and Wanda were here as well --it was so fun to have friends visit. Just like the old days!
The "Gourd Fest" was a big hit and thanks to those who made generous contributions I have $216 in donations to pass along to Sandy Gilbert and her
Refuge Farms for abused and abandoned horses. It was amazing how the investment of $1.39 for a packet of seeds and a little effort in the garden could be transformed to a nice return for a good cause. And I still have plenty of gourds, pumpkins and squash left!
I was goofy and didn't get the camera busy right away so I didn't get pictures of all my angels who helped pull this event off. Bonnie Anderson, Pat and Ione Timm, MaryAnn and Al Ormson.
Tom Hogue's beautiful daughters, Madison and Taylor and the lovely Fran Latane all spent their time meeting and greeting--helping with the demonstrations, directing traffic, etc. What a great support crew.
My love and husband Don, likes a more low key, behind the scenes support who made sure the signs were up on time and taken down at night and took care of Helga all day. He was also the head BBQ chef who served us steak dinners after "work" for three nights in a row. Wow, those steaks were great!
Now--I know what everyone is waiting for: WHO WON THE STAINED GLASS PANEL?
The drawing took place this morning on the front porch of Funk & Wagnell's where the hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar was unsealed to reveal the name of the lucky winner, who is,-------drum roll, please!.....................
Amanda Lindbo of Baldwin, Wisconsin!!!!
Congratulations, Amanda!
Thanks to all who entered and I hope you had as much fun on the tour as we did!

Ione Timm, MaryAnn Ormson and Taylor Hogue were "angels" to help!