Thursday, August 15, 2019

Don's New Horse

Mr. Fuzzy Bear finally got a horse of his own! The Kioti ATV is just the ticket. He's wanted one for a while since the legs are letting him down. It gets him out of the chair and down the trails. Fresh air! Sunshine! Just the right food for the soul. It's got a nice bench seat with room for Mom (me!) and our soon-to-arrive Chessie pup.

The whole pup search has been long and circuitous. There aren't that many litters around without going out of state. We do have our limitations! We had one little girl waiting for us who, four days before I was going to get her, was emergency hospitalized with a serious intestinal problem. She died the same day. We were crushed and sad, but thankful it didn't happen on our watch!

The search continued and has us planning for a trip to Tomah on Sept. 2nd to pick up our new best friend! A baby pic of Maggie before she came to Catfish Corner......