Monday, November 24, 2008

Loie & Anders Visit

Had a great visit today with friend Lois and her recent grandson, Anders. And a fine fellow he is! At 3 months old he got to travel with Gramma Loie to Catfish Corner. Loie and I got a chance to talk about past and present and later we had lunch and Anders got used to his bottle. His mommy Lora went to work today and this was their first day apart. 

Gramma Loie did a fine job of holding, cuddling, cajoling and encouraging Anders to his bottle--and by the end of the day the bottle was gone and they were ready to head home.

Thanks for your visit! It was fun to catch up and get to meet Anders! I bet we will get a chance to do it again soon!

1 comment:

Wanda said...

You are so quick to have picture of Anders and Loie on your blog already. Isn't he a cute little man?