Thursday, July 6, 2023

Mother Goose is at it again...

But with chicks! I got a variety of hen chicks that joined us a couple weeks ago.
First in the "baby box" that they arrived in. Once they are out of the box, they won't be going back in! They grow that fast. I haven't even looked up what varieties arrived, but the two Goldens are probably Buff Orpingtons. Sometimes it's hard to have different colors because if some pass by the wayside you KNOW. It's kind of easier when everyone is the same if a predator strikes. I have never been one to name them because it's hard when they are struck down. I've had "Elizabeth Taylor" and "Little Scottie" and it doesn't make it easier to say goodbye. 

I set up the big kids pen, maybe a bit early, but they were getting kind of "birdy" in the shop, so it seemed time to move. It's warm and they will be fine. 


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