Saturday, May 13, 2023

Let's Catch Up!


A long time since an update. I'll start where I left off. We caught this beauty strutting by during the rut season back in November. He's all puffed up and full of himself with love on his mind. 

The horses were all ears when I came out to feed. The snow was falling and now it all began with the winter season. It was a pretty mild winter and everyone came though it nicely

We are so blessed!

It got cold!! The double wool hat, hood and red nose was in force.

This is Beau wrapped up in holiday ribbon. Filling my giant old antique Red Wing crockery bowl. Two days later the brats were chasing and the whole table runner and bowl ended in pieces on the floor. One of my usual cries around here is "I can't have anything!". Too true. Cats are why we can't have nice things.

I found this photo that came up on a FB feed and it struck me that I had seen it before. It's a great painting and amazingly similar to my own work.

My pastel artwork of our Daisy done back in the day. It won a couple purple ribbons at the Polk County, WI, fair and is a tribute to my sweetie girl.

Speaking of interesting photos and connections. I found this one on the Chik-wauk Resort link. The resort has been closed for decades but is now a museum of sorts on the Gunflint Trail in northern Minnesota. The place has a special meaning for us because Don's ancestor was the lead surveyor of the Gunflint Trail back in the 20's. Years later my grandmother was a widowed and, as professional cook, took a summer job at the resort. I believe this is a photo of the owner of the resort. I'm thinking this was an interesting gig for her! Don and I were married at the Gunflint Lodge in 1994. 

Out of this world! Far, far away is a tiny planet that is called Pluto. A decade or so it was determined that Pluto was not a planet and would be known as a dead star. Pluto is the planet of the sign of Scorpio, of which I take notice for November reasons. I found this photo after Pluto was seen by the new technology of deep space photography. AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I can't help but notice it is red, white and blue. I have had to wait years and years for this planet to rise for me. Pluto must mean "patience".

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