Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Look of Love

Having a small discussion about WHO gets the chair! I know I need some time in it.

Crazy busy at the Etsy shop these days, but I did make an executive decision to hold off on taking new orders until after the first of the year. Having 60 orders backed up wasn't giving me that peaceful easy feeling! The USPS has been working overtime destroying my shipments and trying to keep up and stay sane was a losing proposition. 

I am keeping a number of "ready to ship" items at the ready so I can clear some of what is on the shelves. That also means that regular customers can still message me for needs that can get on "the list" as I'm able to work them in.

This is the first time in five years that I have done this. No vacations and hardly a day off during that time. I have even blogged about what my "days off" are like! Catfish Corner isn't good at taking care of itself.

The summer of changes

I finally convinced Don (with friend Bob's testimonial) to see a Lyme specialist in Winona. Little did we know the amount of adjustment to our lives that would result in. Doing nothing certainly wasn't helping.

After lots of very specialized lab tests it was determined he has a severe intolerance to gluten, and the "elimination diet" noted lots of foods that were detrimental to his system. All are responsible for causing system wide inflammation. Food was now the enemy; no wheat/gluten/bread, no eggs, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, no processed anything! A Whole Foods diet was put in place with fruits (some), lots of veg, meat, rice, oats, nuts. I'm doing this along with him since it would feel irresponsible to eat a pizza while he can't enjoy anything fun. It's lots of slicing and dicing. And lots of weight loss! I haven't been this light since.......forever? Maybe early high school. His 200# former self is now a svelte 165. And sadly he's still prediabetic. 

The lyme bacterias were alive and functioning as well. A small army of supplements and a variety of antibiotics were marshaled to the front. Mold in the body....I have never heard of that, but he's being treated for it. No wonder he's having so much trouble walking.


1 comment:

Wanda said...

Oh my gosh, major changes. Best of luck.