Yesterday was a full, and I mean FULL, day of horsey bliss. Even if it didn't start blissfully. Farrah Green, (in these photos) the two star Parelli instructor from Aberdeen, South Dakota, arrived Tuesday evening with her three horses in her huge living quarters four-horse trailer. Wednesday morning started early with loading everyone up to move the whole half mile to the arena! My horses were in the pasture directly across from the arena so I saddled up Cerra and ponied Chy. Chy didn't want to leave her new herd and kept balking and pulling back. We crossed Highway 35 and I realized that she had pulled her nose out of the halter and it was looped around her neck. In my moderate haste to get that halter back on, she took the first opportunity when I loosened it from around her neck to pull her head away and wheeled back to Fran's horses left in the pasture! So here she is running at large down Highway 35. My worst nightmare is unfolding before my eyes. My angels were on duty and thankfully there weren't any cars coming. She was heading for home until I took Cerra away from her and she decided to follow her. Phheww!
I had 90 minutes with Farrah and Chy--worked on some sticky parts and generally got refreshed and renewed in the Parelli spirit. Three others had lessons also and then the grand finale with Farrah and her two wonder horses, Ceasar and Wesley. She was joined by Fran and Princess and they wowed the crowd with jumping, dressage and bridleless riding. We got done around 6 pm and then took the horses home, unloaded equipment and savored the experiences and learning.
It was sure a great lesson day for my horses. Because I rarely take them anywhere they haven't been well socialized in "horse show" behavior. They were pretty loud for awhile! Once they settled down I went to work on probably the biggest homework lesson--getting them to be apart and calm at the same time. I spent the day alternating between horses--playing with one while all the time going farther away from the other. Then switching off to the other. It was a lot of exercise for all three of us and I was beyond tired by the end of the day.
This morning Fran and Farrah loaded up and headed off to Madison for a 10 day tour of the Midwest Horse Fair and clinic days. Before they left Fran had her lesson with Crest in the round pen which I was invited to watch. Farrah's horses were with us and one of their signature moves is to lie down--and they don't get their morning feed with out this little performance! It's no wonder Farrah's business name is Sitting Horse!
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